电影 金酒杯 的评分为6.0分,共有33人参与。An Old Man (Lou Gilbert) rises out of Lake Michigan and interacts briefly with a few creative people as he drifts merrily through Chicago, at one point riding in a truck from the Goldstein Company. A metal sculptor (Tom Erhart) looks for the old man while trying to patch up his relationship with Sally (Ellen Madison). She discovers she's pregnant and makes arrangements for a bizarre out-of-town Doctor (Severn Darden) to perform an abortion. The sculptor asks his father for help and brings along his friend Jay (Benito Carruthers), who lifts the father's wallet. Jay uses some of the money to bankroll a night with some fancy ladies, while the sculptor continues to search for the inspirational Old Man.Goldstein is far from being completely abstract, but it clouds its plot line to the point that normal narrative clues are obscured. We think we're concerned for the film's central couple, but Sally drops from the picture after a mock-comic abortion scene (surely shocking for 1965) that turns into a p电影 金酒杯 豆瓣评分(8.0)